Daniela Del Boca and Cecile Wetzels, eds., Social Policies, Labour Markets and Motherhood: A Comparative Analysis of European Countries.


  • Mehmet Fatih Aysan University of Western Ontario
  • Roderic Beaujot University of Western Ontario



Author Biographies

Mehmet Fatih Aysan, University of Western Ontario

Mehmet Aysan is a third year PhD student in the department of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario. He earned his Master degree in International Relations. His sociological interests are rooted at the intersection of sociology of work and demography. His study centers on how labour markets, and social policies combine to influence family behaviours, primarily how men and women allocate time to paid work and unpaid work.

Roderic Beaujot, University of Western Ontario

Roderic Beaujot is Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario, Academic Director of Western’s Statistics Canada Research Data Centre, and Principal Investigator of the SSHRC Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Population Change and Lifecourse. Professor Beaujot’s research interests include evolving demographics and implications for social policy in areas such as health, family, labour force, pensions, education, and social security.






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